The GDPR is a new EU wide legislation that harmonizes the handling of personal data for all EU
citizens. You can read an a decent executive summary from ZDNet or you can
read about it from the EU.
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The GDPR is a new EU wide legislation that harmonizes the handling of personal data for all EU
citizens. You can read an a decent executive summary from ZDNet or you can
read about it from the EU.
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Here is a really cool list of free software based on this reddit post
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Most of what you’ve been told about generating a good password is wrong. The well intentioned advice of pick a phrase and then obfuscate (ie, Fish Tacos are Delicious becomes F1$hT4c05rD3l1c10u5) it is still valid, but a bit misguided and not enough.
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When drawing a network diagram, think about whether it makes sense to draw a logical or a physical diagram. I’d say 90% of the time, a logical diagram is more useful than a physical diagram.
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Over the years, I’ve encountered a lot of a technology platforms, programming methodologies, and ways of doing business. During that time, I’ve come up with thoughts and ideas that guide me through my working life. This is of course the ideal. I’ve fallen short many times and will continue to do so I’m sure (See below…).
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I don’t often Torrent, but when I do, it’s my business and no one else’s.
So, this is a quick write up for how to pause your torrents if your VPN goes down.
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This script allows you to upgrade the OS on all your lxd containers. It could easily be modified to run whatever you’d like.
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